HOME SPA: a wellness centre within your home
With today's hectic life, daily stress is constantly increasing and with it the need to give yourself frequent moments of relaxation. By adopting some simple tips it is possible to create a corner of wellness within our homes and enjoy the convenience of using it anytime we want. Here are some solutions by Daniel Rubinetterie that can help you insert a wellness component into your homes, regardless of budget and design space. Get ready to set music, incense and candles and choose the solution that best suits your needs.
Colortherapy (or chromotherapy) is a natural treatment already known and practiced in the ancient world. The use of colors does a balancing action to restore our physical and mental harmony. Letting yourself be wrapped by a soft colored light is certainly a gesture of great regenerating wellness.
You could install one of the numerous shower heads with integrated chromotherapy. In many of the shower heads with chromotherapy, water can be sprayed for a total spa experience or can gently fall with a rain effect from more or less extensive areas. All controlled via a dedicated wall-mounted keypad or wirelessly.
The waterfall is an element of pure relaxation. The sight of the flowing water, the sweet sound of its flow, its dense and constant jet on the body: all are messages of peace for body and mind. There are many different solutions from Daniel Rubinetterie to insert a waterfall inside our bathroom: installed on the bathtub deck for a regenerating bath (see for example Art. CU699 or CU697), integrated in a wall-mounted shower head to benefit of all its power (see as an example the articles A565CA, A562CA, A564CA) or simply inserted in the hand shower as a low-cost integration of already completed projects (Art. A444).
What could you relax further during the shower, if not a nice massage? Using hydrotherapy and our built-in jets, you can complete your shower sets by built-in jets at the height of the shoulder, back or your most critical areas to regenerate yourself with a localized massage. Remember to combine the jets with a multi-way shower mixer to manage different water outlet combinations.
Visit the complete WELLNESS section to see all the solutions from Daniel Rubinetterie dedicated to wellness and shower settings.